I Clean, Drain and Dry My Boat – Boating Best Practise

photo from https://odis.homeaway.co

Other important things to note as you take your boat out of the water so we can keep Kootenay Lake waters clean and free of invasive species

Do your part to help protect BC’s precious aquatic ecosystems, recreation opportunities and boating industry!

Boating industry, volunteers and clients should incorporate best practices to prevent and control aquatic invasive species into all plans and operations where boats and/or equipment will be moved from one body of water to another.


o Take extra care to Clean, Drain, Dry (see diagram above)

o Remember to pull the plug!

o Wash the exterior and interior of the boat

o Always ask if arriving boats have been inspected by a BC Provincial Mussel Inspection Team

o New boats also need inspecting! Many are tested in a lake or pond

o If a boat has not gone through provincial inspection, determine if it has come from an area where zebra and quagga mussels are present.

o If a boat is coming from a high risk region, call the BC provincial government RAPP hotline: 1-877-952-7277. Note: there is no charge for decontamination

o If you are bringing a boat to B.C. from an infested region, ll out the Out of Province Watercra Form and follow instructions www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/invasive-mussels


CLEAN all plant parts, animals and mud from boat, trailer, and equipment (e.g. boots, waders, shing gear).

DRAIN onto land all items that can hold water (e.g. buckets, wells, bilge, and ballast).

DRY all items completely before launching into another body of water.

» Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels www.gov.bc.ca/invasivemussels

» Report-a-Species APP www.gov.bc.ca/invasive-species

» Clean Drain Dry Program www.bcinvasives.ca/commitments/ clean-drain-dry

» Any suspected transport, possession or release of invasive mussels should be reported immediately to the Conservation Of cer Services RAPP HOTLINE 1-877-952-7277




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