Call for Activity Leaders & Participants for 2018 Youth Water Festival, Nelson B.C.


The Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society in partnership with the City of Nelson is hosting the first annual Youth Water Festival on May 23, 2018.

This festival is aimed at educating and inspiring local youth on the importance, function, history, and stewardship of freshwater in the Kootenays, specifically Kootenay Lake.

Various activity booths will be set up at Lakeside Park in Nelson, BC for children and youth to rotate through. Each booth will focus on different aspects of water importance and health. We will host various school groups ranging from grade school to high school.The morning will be focused on education, engagement, and fun activities for younger groups while the afternoon will be focused on discussion around careers and volunteering for older groups.

Currently, we are doing a call for activity leaders to host booths as well as school groups that would like to attend.

Participation in this event is free but sign up is mandatory.
Sign up today as spots are limited!

Please contact us to sign up either as an activity leader or school group to attend:

Call for Activity Leaders & Participants for 2018 Youth Water Festival, Nelson B.C.

For the love of the lake!


Clean and Green Boating Tips

Clean and Green Boating Tips

Clean and green boating is a way we can ensure that our lake remains a great place to live, work and play.

1.  Prevent oily discharge from the bilge: Keep your engine well tuned to prevent fuel and oil leaks. Place oil absorbent pads where drips may occur and in your bilge. Check
the pads often and dispose of them at your marina or waste collection center.

2.  Spill-proof your oil changes: Use an oil change pump to transfer oil to a spill proof
container. Wrap a plastic bag or absorbent pad around the oil filter to prevent
oil spills.

3.  Spill-proof fuelling practices: Fill fuel tanks slowly and carefully and use absorbent pads or rags to catch drips and spills. Don’t “top off” or overflow your fuel tank
and leave 5% empty to allow fuel to expand as it warms.

4.  Don’t add soap: Using soap to disperse fuel and oil spills will harm water quality even more.

5.  Minimize boat cleaning and maintenance in the water: If possible save maintenance
projects for the boatyard. When performing work on the water minimize your
impact by containing waste using tarps and vacuum sanders, and collect all drips and debris for proper disposal.

6.  Stow it, do not throw it! Keep your trash on board. Never throw cigarette butts, fishing line, or any other garbage into the water. Take advantage of shore-side facilities to recycle.

7.  Reduce toxic discharges from bottom paints: Use hard, less toxic, or nontoxic antifouling paints and follow non-abrasive underwater hull cleaning techniques to prevent excessive paint discharge. Dry storage reduces the need for antifouling paints
and saves money.

8.  Dispose of hazardous waste properly: Recycle or dispose of paints,  recyle
batteries, antifreeze, cleaning products, oil, oil filters and other hazardous wastes at a hazardous waste collection facility or event.  Call the BC Recycling Hotline at
1-800-667-4321, go to or ask your marina for a location.

9.  Plan ahead to manage toilet wastes properly: Check with the marina for locations of pump out facilities. If you don’t have an installed toilet use a port-a-potty and
empty it at pump out station or shore-side bathroom.


Eco-friendly Boat Cleaning

Eco-friendly Boat Cleaning

We can all help to keep harmful chemical cleansers out of Kootenay Lake by cleaning our boats with eco-friendly options, not only are these household mixtures environmentally friendly but they do a great job of cleaning your boat and are easy on your pocket book too!

  • Mix baking soda and salt in some water to clean fibreglass.
  • Clean your decks with one part vinegar to 8 parts water.
  • Clean aluminum with 1 tbsp cream of tartar mixed with one litre water.
  • Clean brass with a solution of Worcestershire sauce, vinegar and salt.
  • Clean chrome with a mixture of vinegar and salt.
  • Copper cleans with a mixture of lemon juice and salt.
  • Clean clear plastic and windows with one part vinegar and two parts water.